
New Student Registration 2024-25 - New to our Boundaries

New or Transferring Students to Syracuse Junior High School

Student registration is required for enrollment to our school and is done through appointment by calling 801-402-6800.

What to bring to your registration appointment:

A completed enrollment packet. Enrollment packets can be picked up from our front office during the hours of 8am-2pm, Monday-Friday or found HERE. Please note: this packet must be fully completed prior to your appointment and include the following:

  • Student’s Birth Certificate

  • State or government issued picture ID of legal guardian registering student.

  • Immunization Record- Up to date, including vaccines required for 7th grade*

  • Proof of Residency in Syracuse Junior High boundaries**

  • Copy of IEP (Individual Education Plan) if student receives this special education service. ***

It is helpful for the registration process if you also have:

  • Withdrawal papers from the last school attended, with the school's complete address and phone number.

  • Transcripts of past grades/report cards

GUARDIANSHIP: If you are NOT listed as a parent on your student’s birth certificate, you must have LEGAL GUARDIANSHIP (from a court of law, signed by a judge) of your student to register them at our school. Temporary custody/notarized documents of any kind are not accepted at the school level. If you do not have legal guardianship, please process your request for registration through the Davis School District Student Services Department first at 801-402-5160.

* Immunization Requirements, please see HERE. **For a list of acceptable documents for Proof of Residency, please see HERE.

***IEP ‘Individualized Education Plan’ - We cannot place students with IEPs into classes without their IEP document. Please have this with you upon registration.

Completed enrollment packet, required documents, and identification MUST be in-hand at time of registration appointment.

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