Welcome to the Syracuse Junior High School Athletics page!
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Boys Basketball
Congratulations to the Syracuse Junior High School Boys Basketball Team 2024
7th Grade Players:
Brayden Barney
Everet Bridges
Jamelle Brooks
Liam Daubney
Caleb Hacker
Kyler Hewlitt
Nathan Higley
Mason Huff
Preston Linebarger
Lincoln Magnusson
Denver Robinson
8th Grade Players:
Riley Carver
Kanyin Craven
Eric Falk
Brayden Gallant
Lucas Keysaw
9th Grade Players:
Rylan Burns
Parker Callister
Dillon Cragun
Logan Daubney
Tyler Nelson
Bronson Romero
All Players need to report to the gym on Tuesday Morning 10/1/2024 at 6:00AM for Practice. Thank you to all players who put in the hard work and effort during the tryout process.
Coach Daubney
The link for Register My Athlete: All documents must be filled out online and uploaded in order for the student athlete to compete.
Point of contact: Head Coach: Troy Brown: Email Troy Brown
Facebook Page
Request to join for updates.
Remind App: Text @22seah to 81010
Track & Field